No fishing today as on split shift today. Thought I'd take a mo to advise on how and where to get a Permit for The Union Canal.
The Permit fees are:
Adult Annual Membership - £15
OAP/Disabled annual membership - £10
Adult Day membership (all categories) - £3
Junior day/annual membership - £2
Available from The Lowland Canals Office, Canal House, 1 Applecross Street, Glasgow, G4 9SP. Telephone: 0141 332 6936; fax: 0141 331 1688
I purchased my permit, as I enjoy supporting this venue and in return they ensure the quality of the fishing and upkeep.
Note after speaking to various anglers and locals, no one has heard of permits being enforced, but seeing it costs so little compared to other fishing venues and there is no close season I found it hard not to support it.