Well after an eleven hour shift in a kitchen all I wanted was some peace and fresh air. Got home, changed and out before ten o'clock. Decided to stay local seeing it was a bit dark and cold. Whilst there was no surface feeders decided to try near the surface to start with. Within ten minutes landed m wee Roach about 2 ounce but nice and lively and fun to catch. Got another three fish over the next thirty minutes all between 4 to 6 ounce. Was starting to feel a bit cold and a nice beer seemed to be calling me, so quite happy with my outing I called it a night.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Late night fun!
Well after an eleven hour shift in a kitchen all I wanted was some peace and fresh air. Got home, changed and out before ten o'clock. Decided to stay local seeing it was a bit dark and cold. Whilst there was no surface feeders decided to try near the surface to start with. Within ten minutes landed m wee Roach about 2 ounce but nice and lively and fun to catch. Got another three fish over the next thirty minutes all between 4 to 6 ounce. Was starting to feel a bit cold and a nice beer seemed to be calling me, so quite happy with my outing I called it a night.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Sunday's are too short!
Hi all, hoped to go out early yesterday but when I got up it was pouring down, so decided to leave it till later. The afternoon was nice and sunny so left it till evening and went out about half eight. The first half hour was devoid of movement apart from the annoying gusting wind and was wondering if I should have gone in the afternoon. Well a few minutes after nine I got some wee nibbles, which after presenting in the same area again I got my first Roach about 4 ounce, clean and lively. Over the next forty-five minutes I had another six fish, all Roach and between 4-8 ounce except one which was in the 1-2 ounce class :) Turned out a lovely night and whilst being asked by some teenagers if there were any fish in the canal a nice wee Roach decided to play along and take my rod for a dance as proof. A good day but why do days off seem to go so fast?
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Duddingston Loch?

I fished there when I was young so got in touch with Ranger service to find out about permits. They sent details that follow:
We issue the permits here in the Education Centre Holyrood Park – which is a small low lying grey building set back from the flat playing fields across from Queen’s Drive. Our contact phone number 0131 652 8150. permits are free and last from one year. Fishing at Duddingston are catch and release.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Playing with my Thingamabobber!

Had to get out tonight, was my only chance before Sunday as covering extra shifts at work just now. Anyway was in Country Life recently and picked up a pack of these Thingamabobbers from USA. Basically like a wee light bubble float but you attach by putting loop of line through eye and taking loop around bubble, you can then slide it up and down line easily to adjust depth. Well tonight was trial night so made up my usual four foot mainline to two foot hook length popped on Thingamabobber but didn't bother with weights as planned fishing the surface. Started fishing after nine and on first drop saw the float bobbing along in the wrong direction and was into my first Roach. The next hour and a half saw me catch another seven Roach, all between 2-6 ounce but great fun with these floats. Most of the fish didn't know they were even hooked till it was too late. I would suggest these to anyone as they are easy to attach, High visibility and very light for presenting even on the stillest water.
Tight Lines all!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Look after your bait!
I've not being out fishing since last Wednesday, not feeling so good at weekend and work short staffed, so was really up for it tonight! Nipped down to the centre, behind Petrol station, and got myself settled. Well after a slow start, nothing for first half hour, I ended up with five Roach and two Perch in and hour and a half. Not bad at all seeing the dredger had been along on Friday and muddied it all up I was quite happy at a successful session. Just a wee tip on your maggots, mine are now a good three and a half weeks old now and apart form a good few casters for feeding all are well and lively. My tip is to rinse them with cold water once a week in a fine strainer, drain as much as you can and put a dry sheet of kitchen roll in the tub. Then keep them in the fridge till needed, change kitchen roll when saturated and that's about it. My bait lasts around a month each time before I need to buy more anyway.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Cold & Murky

After not getting out on Tuesday, other engagements, I was looking forward to fishing last night and thought I'd try a new swim. While setting up I saw the water was still like a muddy soup and it was much colder than previous days. My first hour saw some small fish bites but no contact. Around nine thirty I got two Roach within five minutes, both about 3-4oz, which woke me up a bit. Sadly the next hour saw no more movement so rather than get any colder packed up and went home for some tea.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Cloudy skies & cloudy water
Not so nice weather last night, rain in the air, pretty grey and the water a murky brown again. Still thought I'd chance my luck for a couple of hours so went out after eight. Went to a swim that's been good to me near the local Police station at Murrayburn, but after an hour the only thing moving were the small Roach. Had 3 in all 1-2oz and a far cry from the fish I'd caught here before. So decide to change swim and move closer to home also it looked like some rain was moving in too. This swim is usually a mixed bag of Roach and Perch and as I approached I saw the tell tale signs of some fish leisurely feeding near the surface. As I sat down I noticed something feeding in the reeds right at my feet, so being a bit opportunist I dropped my rig right next to it. No sooner had the line straightened out the float was pulled right under, a nice wee Roach about 4oz. Had another two fish of similar size over the next half hour but the big boys didn't seem interested. So after some interesting chat with another local angler I decided to call it a night.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Short sessions
Had a late start yesterday, a few boring things to do at home first, going out about 11.30. Thought I'd start at the Shell Petrol Station as it was nice and sunny. A few nibbles later I caught a nice Roach about 4-6oz. This was followed by a tiny Perch, then things went a bit dead. Along came the two families of swans so lifted my rod till they passed. They spent some time rooting around the weeds in front of me, this could only be good for stirring things up a bit. Right enough no sooner had I shipped my pole out I was into another Roach, followed by another six all good sized and condition. Well around 1pm it was getting a bit hot so seeing I'd had 9 fish in an hour and a half decided to go home for a while. Popped out later at 6pm, had a couple of hours till dinner would be ready, and decided to fish a swim I'd had some nice bigger Roach from recently. The water was still and devoid of any movement for almost an hour. I was losing faith a little till along came a houseboat. Casting into its wake I immediately caught a small Perch. The next hour saw me take another four Perch and four Roach but all tiny. Guess the bigger fish were waiting till later, till things cooled down a bit so decided to call it a day.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Perfect Evening
Tonight I decided to go back to the mooring, behind the Petrol Station, at Wester Hailes Centre. The view is stunning when clear and the wall of wild roses, elder flowers and other flora offer a heady pungent aroma which I find very relaxing. After such a hot sunny day I was pleased to feel the gentle refreshing breeze. Within twenty minutes of setting up I landed my best Roach for the swim, a good 8oz and very fat although it had signs of being in the wars. I was joined by a friend I met recently, whilst fishing, and while chatting away I caught another six Roach over the next hour. Good company, good fishing and a lovely night, could only be made better by the pint I nipped in for on the way home :)
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Hot and Sticky

Last night was very hot, airless and humid. Took my 5m telescopic whip as I felt like being a bit more mobile. I'd been fishing for more than an hour, and thought I was going to blank, before I got my first nibble about 10.15pm. Presented my bait in the same spot again and was into a wee Roach. Put back, I flicked the whip out again in the same area and bang another Roach. So I slung my seat box over my shoulder and started to fish my way home. Flicking the whip out and only allowing it to settle 20-30 seconds each cast as I moved along. This method saw me catch another six Roach and a solitary Perch before I reached my path home. Nine fish in forty-five minutes of action, not bad.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Warm Evening

What a lovely night last night! It was warm with a pleasant breeze. Midges were out in full force, I seem to be donating more than my share of blood this year to their well being. Anyway although the water had cleared considerably and the temperature was good there weren't many signs of feeding fish. Nearing nine I started to get some interest then ten to nine float surged under. Decent Roach, 5-6oz at 7 inches put up a respectable fight leaping from the water before giving up. Nothing more till ten when once again a positive take saw my float disappear from sight. This time even better fighter and had to dismantle pole to hand line Roach from water as too heavy to lift with my setup. Stunning fish, full finned and in great condition 8-9 inches and a good 8oz. Hit one more fish almost immediately after, a 2-3 inch Roach had taken double maggot! Whilst impressed with its tenacity
not a fish to really brag about, so packed up happy for the night.
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