Got up early on Sunday but sadly a really windy day. The water was like the sea on a bad day, so decided to make the most of being out and go pick some hedgerow goodies instead. I'd spied a few bushes on Saturday and headed there.
This time of year is full of the tastiest ripe fruits and most of it goes to the birds. First pic is of Haws, these fruits of the common Hawthorn tree make a great jelly which is amazing with meat and game the same way you'd use redcurrant jelly, also nice on toast! They can also be used to make a dipping sauce like Chinese Hoi Sin recipe here. Next pic are Sloes, these grow on Blackthorn bushes which are usually planted in amongst hedgerows of Hawthorn. These make the classic Sloe Gin or Vodka and there are tons of recipes on the net. They can also be used in a hedgerow fruit jelly. Last pic are Rowans and these grow everywhere and the best ones are the ones planted by man not wild varieties. Wild fruits can be extremely bitter and the best thing to do is try fruits before picking from tree. If sweet with a little bitter after taste you've got a winner. These make another jelly for which there are plenty of recipes around and I also use these when making Rose hip jelly. Rose hips have no Pectin needed to set jams so if you use 3 parts Rose hips to 1 part Rowans you'll get a good set jelly as Rowans are packed with Pectin.
Well after an hour and a half I had 2kg Rose hips, 1.5kg Sloes, 2kg Haws and 1.5kg Rowans so off home to make some easy delicious things you just cant buy.