Hi all, not had time to update over the weekend but here goes!
On Thursday I popped out for an hour and had a great time. First Roach I caught was 20cm and put up a heavy fight. Over the next wee while I caught another 8 Roach, all around 12-15cm except for the last at 25cm and one of the best fish I've caught here.
Friday I spent an hour and a half near the moorin
Ended up with a tally of seven Roach including a 25cm and a 28cm!
Most impressed with my day I went home quite pleased with myself. I've noticed a lack of interest recently in the pink maggots, all my recent catches have been on white ones. Just thought I'd mention it.
Made it out to Ratho, today near the canal visitors centre. Whilst a nice visit the action was much scarcer than in town. Not a blank though, I had two Roach one 15cm and other 18cm and in lovely bright condition. Both taken just after canal boats had passed, which were many today.
Tight lines!