Monday, 6 July 2009

Short sessions

Had a late start yesterday, a few boring things to do at home first, going out about 11.30. Thought I'd start at the Shell Petrol Station as it was nice and sunny. A few nibbles later I caught a nice Roach about 4-6oz. This was followed by a tiny Perch, then things went a bit dead. Along came the two families of swans so lifted my rod till they passed. They spent some time rooting around the weeds in front of me, this could only be good for stirring things up a bit. Right enough no sooner had I shipped my pole out I was into another Roach, followed by another six all good sized and condition. Well around 1pm it was getting a bit hot so seeing I'd had 9 fish in an hour and a half decided to go home for a while. Popped out later at 6pm, had a couple of hours till dinner would be ready, and decided to fish a swim I'd had some nice bigger Roach from recently. The water was still and devoid of any movement for almost an hour. I was losing faith a little till along came a houseboat. Casting into its wake I immediately caught a small Perch. The next hour saw me take another four Perch and four Roach but all tiny. Guess the bigger fish were waiting till later, till things cooled down a bit so decided to call it a day.

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